• Performer Info
  • Performance Info
  • Professional Recording Upgrades
  • Quick Review
  • Your Stage Access Pass
  • Payment

Performer Info

Share a bit about yourself. This information helps us connect with and promote our performers.

Performer Info

Share a bit about yourself. This information helps us connect with and promote our performers.

Performance Info

Let’s get into the specifics of your act. What’s your style? What songs are you thinking of performing?

Professional Recording Upgrades

Capture your performance with our high-quality recording upgrades.

Quick Review

Cancellations, or rebookings are possible up to 20 minutes before showtime.

Your Stage Access Pass

Welcome to the spotlight – your performance at Harm House is confirmed! Check the details below, arrive prepared, and get ready to make your mark. See you on stage!


Almost there! Complete your payment below to finalize your showtime. Here’s to making unforgettable moments!
Call (336) 303-1542 for help

Artist Details

Artist Details
Performance Details
Available Upgrades
Final Glance & Confirmation
Let’s Rock!
Your Payment Information
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15 Minutes
Monday Mic Performance
April 29, 18:00pm
High Point Bistro
3793 Samet Dr# 165, High Point, NC 27265

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